
watch C/C++ source code execute
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e2e_link_multiple.t (1796B)

      1 #
      2 # Check that linking more than one instrumented object file together works.
      3 #
      4 use Modern::Perl;
      5 use Test::Cmd;
      6 use Test::Differences;
      7 use Test::More tests => 3;
      9 use lib 't';
     10 require utils;
     13 my $wrap = Test::Cmd->new( prog => 'bin/citrun_wrap', workdir => '' );
     15 $wrap->write( 'one.c', <<EOF );
     16 void second_func();
     18 int main(void) {
     19 	second_func();
     20 	return 0;
     21 }
     22 EOF
     24 $wrap->write( 'two.c', <<EOF );
     25 void third_func();
     27 void second_func(void) {
     28 	third_func();
     29 	return;
     30 }
     31 EOF
     33 $wrap->write( 'three.c', <<EOF );
     34 void third_func(void) {
     35 	return;
     36 }
     37 EOF
     39 $wrap->run( args => utils::os_compiler() . 'main one.c two.c three.c',
     40 	chdir => $wrap->curdir );
     42 my $log_good = <<EOF;
     43 >> citrun_inst
     44 Compilers path = ''
     45 PATH = ''
     46 Found source file ''
     47 Found source file ''
     48 Found source file ''
     49 Link detected, adding '' to command line.
     50 Command line is ''
     51 Added clangtool argument ''
     52 Instrumentation of '' finished:
     53     7 Lines of source code
     54     1 Function definitions
     55     1 Return statement values
     56     1 Call expressions
     57     6 Total statements
     58 Modified source written successfully.
     59 Instrumentation of '' finished:
     60     7 Lines of source code
     61     1 Function definitions
     62     1 Call expressions
     63     5 Total statements
     64 Modified source written successfully.
     65 Instrumentation of '' finished:
     66     4 Lines of source code
     67     1 Function definitions
     68     2 Total statements
     69 Modified source written successfully.
     70 Forked compiler ''
     71 Rewritten source compile successful
     72 Restored ''
     73 Restored ''
     74 Restored ''
     75 EOF
     77 my $citrun_log;
     78 $wrap->read( \$citrun_log, 'citrun.log' );
     79 $citrun_log = utils::clean_citrun_log($citrun_log);
     81 eq_or_diff( $citrun_log, $log_good, 'citrun.log identical', { context => 3 } );
     82 print $wrap->stdout;
     83 is( $wrap->stderr,	'',	'citrun_wrap stderr silent' );
     84 is( $? >> 8,		0,	'citrun_wrap exit code 0' );