
track prices of consumer electronics
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      1 [% WRAPPER %]
      2 	<div class="column_container">
      3 	<div class="column">
      4 		<h2>About</h2>
      6 		<p>Hi, and welcome to <b>PriceSloth</b>, a purchasing aid for
      7 		consumer electronics.
      8 		This site contains price charts that let you pick the best
      9 		retailer to purchase a particular product from, and help you
     10 		predict what the future price of a product might be. 
     11 		</p>
     13 		<p>The price charts provide two main things:
     14 		<ul>
     15 			<li>Inter-retailer price comparisons
     16 			<li>Historical pricing information
     17 		</ul>
     18 		</p>
     19 		<p>Inter-retailer price comparison saves you money by showing you
     20 		the retailer that is offering a certain product for the lowest
     21 		cost. It shows you which retailers offer that product, too.
     22 		</p>
     23 		<p>Historical pricing information can show periods when the
     24 		product was on sale, and the overall trend of the price since
     25 		the product came onto the market. This makes picking the
     26 		absolute best time to buy a product easier.</p>
     27 	</div>
     29 	<div class="column">
     30 		<h2>Status</h2>
     31 		<p>Currently <span class="online_text">Online</span>.
     32 		There are: <ul>
     33 			<li><b>[% nprice %]</b> prices
     34 			<li><b>[% nprod %]</b> active products
     35 				(<b>[% nprod_stale %]</b> out of date)
     36 			<li><b>[% nmanuf %]</b> manufacturers
     37 			<li><b>[% nret %]</b> retailers
     38 		</ul></p>
     40 		<object data="/svg/history_summary.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
     41 		</object>
     42 	</div>
     43 	</div>[%# end .column_container %]
     44 [% END %]